About us

Welcome to Chess Board Club

Our Story

How did this crazy chess adventure begin? Buckle up, friend.

We’re just kids. Suddenly, Dad (or maybe good ol’ Grandpa) decides it’s time to initiate us into the world of kings and queens. Not fairy tales. Real strategy. Real bonding.

Fast forward 20 years. That chess moment? Still gives us goosebumps.

Now, here’s where it gets good. We looked around and thought, “Hey, why should we hog all the fun?”

So we rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

Mission: Spread the chess love. Create a whole new generation of kids with their own “remember when Dad taught me chess?” stories.

And voila! Here we are. You’re reading our tale, maybe nodding along, maybe even flashing back to your own chess adventures.

Got a kid? Fantastic. No kid yet? No sweat. Either way, you’re in the right place to start your own family chess legacy.

Ready to make some memories? Let’s play.

Listen up, because this is important...

You remember that first chess board, don’t you?

Of course you do. The smooth feel of the pieces. The satisfying ‘clack’ as you moved your pawn. That sinking feeling when Dad pulled off the scholar’s mate in four moves flat.

It’s burned into your brain. Why? Because it wasn’t just any old board. It was THE board.

Now, here’s the kicker: Any chess set will do the job. But we’re not in the business of ‘just doing the job’. We’re in the business of making memories.

That’s why we’ve created a chess set so stunning, so unforgettable, your kids will be boring their own children with stories about it 30 years from now.

This isn’t just about passing down a game. It’s about passing down a legacy. Your legacy.

So here’s the deal: You’ve got the stories. You’ve got the skills (even if they’re a little rusty). Now all you need is the board that’ll make it all unforgettable.

Ready to create some memories? Let’s make your move.


Want your kid to outsmart everyone?

Chess is the answer. But not just any chess…

Get the FREE “Chess Parenting Roadmap” now:

  • Boost emotional IQ
  • Supercharge critical thinking
  • Bond like crazy
We’ll also throw in a 15% FREE Discount! Grab yours now:

P.S. Act fast – get bonus weekly tips to dominate the playground!

P.P.S. No grandkids were bored in the making of this offer. We promise.


Teaching my son has been a joy, just like when my dad taught me. The quality is exceptional, and the memories we’re making are priceless.


My granddaughter loves our weekly games, and I love seeing her confidence grow with each match.


My daughter and I have bonded over every game. It’s a great way to pass on the tradition. Looking forward to more games.
